Prosecutor Addresses New Needs With County Commission


Benton County Prosecuting Attorney Rod Richardson met with the Commissioners to discuss the need for a budget amendment in order to send staff members to training at the July 8 meeting of the Benton County Commission.

Discussion was given to an internship program that Richardson would like to implement for a short time. The Commissioners noted that there is no budget appropriation for this at this time. The County Law Enforcement Restitution Fund (CLERF) committee was discussed with Presiding Commissioner Steve Daleske noting that a full committee is now in place. The County Clerk will notify the Prosecuting Attorney of members of this committee in order for meetings to be scheduled. Richardson also noted that there is a need for an investigator role in his office to aid in case preparation and when/if this new role is implemented, more office space will be necessary for the prosecuting attorney’s office.

Benton County Collector David Brodersen met with the Commissioners to discuss SB 190/756. The Commissioners noted several points that are still unclear pertaining to this legislation and will continue to monitor the situation before a final decision is reached.

TectronIQ representative Ryan Green and Rachel Wolf met with the Commissioners to discuss measures that are being implemented in order to upgrade computer security within the County. Collector Brodersen, Recorder Carla Brown, Assessor Jim Hansen, Treasurer Rick Renno and County Clerk Susan Porterfield were also present.

Benton County Treasurer Rick Renno presented his weekly financial report noting that sales tax revenues are down approximately 3%.

County Clerk Susan Porterfield met with the Commissioners to present document for signature for the vacation order that was heard by the Commission last week. She also noted that the prosecuting attorney and sheriff will both receive salary increases effective July 1, 2024, as required by Statute. Valuation information has been received from Assessor Jim Hansen and the County Clerk has completed the Form 11 and has submitted this form to the Missouri State Tax Commission as required by Statute. Valuation information will be sent to each taxing district. Monthly tax statements were presented for signatures and bill were submitted for approval and payment.

District 1 Commissioner Larry Berry made a motion to accept the bid from Warsaw Oil Company for diesel fuel for Road District 1 at a cost of $3.01 per gallon. The motion passed. The other bid was received from Zollicker Oil Company at a cost of $3.02 per gallon.

Commissioner Berry made a motion to accept the bid from Warsaw Oil Company for unleaded gasoline for Road District 1 at a cost of $2.70 per gallon. The motion passed. The other bid was received from Zollicker Oil Company at a cost of $2.88 per gallon.

Benton County Economic Development Director Jo Ann Lane met with the Commissioners to present her monthly report of economic development efforts within the county.