University Of Missouri Extension: Upcoming Educational Events


Even though details and plans are still being worked out, dates have been set for a number of educational events in the upcoming months.

MU Extension and the University of Central Missouri are co-sponsoring their second Grazing Conference on Tuesday, June 4. The success of last year’s conference has prompted us to repeat this event in 2024. Speakers and topics are still being worked out, but will focus on the use of cover crops, alternative forages, and beef cattle genetics.

July 9 and 10 are the dates for a Feedlot School to be held in Boonville, MO. These popular schools include discussions relating to feedlot performance, health management, financial aspects of cattle feeding, cattle handling and facilities, diet formulation, bunk management and a variety of other cattle finishing topics. A tour of local feeding facilities is planned as part of this event.

The annual Hickory County Cattlemen’s bus tour is planned for August 5 through August 8. This 4-day, 3-night trip is open to anyone, you don’t have to be a member of the Hickory County Cattlemen's Association to participate in the tour. This year, we are planning to swing through northwest Arkansas, northeast Oklahoma and southeast Kansas before returning back to Missouri. Tour fees include transportation and lodging. Meals are generally on your own.

Regional grazing schools are being held throughout Missouri for those interested in learning more about that grazing management technique. Dates, locations, and contact information for these schools can be found at or by contacting your local MU Extension office.

These events are still in the planning stages with final details to be worked out. However, by getting these events on your calendar, you can contact me at or by calling the Pettis County Extension Center at (660) 827-0591 and I’ll provide final details as they become available.