Church News


Warsaw Christian Church

I know your works, that you are neither cold nor hot. I could wish you were cold or hot.
-Revelation 3:15

Jesus writes to the church at Laodicea. Of the seven churches Jesus addresses in the Book of Revelation, Laodicea is the only one without commendation. Jesus has something positive to say about six churches. Unfortunately, he has nothing good to say about the church at Laodicea. They are a church with the name of being alive but is dead. They are lukewarm in their commitment to Jesus. They are a church that is satisfied with its present condition. They are worldly. They are blind to their spiritual poverty. Jesus says he will spit them out of His mouth. That means He rejects the church at Laodicea. He pleads with them to repent of their indifference.
In contrast, the church at Smyrna is commended. The world looks down upon them. They have the reputation of being a poor church, but they are rich in faith. Jesus speaks nothing but encouragement to this church.
What kind of Christian am I? What kind of church are we? Am I lukewarm about my trust in Jesus or rich in faith? Does Jesus commend me or spew me out of His mouth? It is a question we must all consider. A lukewarm faith is not acceptable to the Master.

From The Pastor's Desk

For my thouights are
not your thoughts
-Isaiah 55:8

God's sovereignty means He has supreme power and authority. However, He has given man a free will. He has seen the movie of your life but he is not in control of everything. You are free to choose. To get hung up on God's foreknowledge is to foolishly believe we can completely understand God. Really?
In the past week, I have read just about everything I could find on Calvinism. I wanted to refresh my memory. Charles Haddon Spurgeon was a five point Calvinist. John MacArthur, John Piper and R.C. Sproul are Calvinists. I don't understand how Spurgeon could have been a Calvinist. Personally, I am offended by the whole Calvinism concept. It makes the Bible second hand and the preaching of the gospel a foregone conclusion. These men are of greater minds than I could wish for but here we are. They have massive churches, or did have, they have massive ministries and here I am stuck out in the woods with probably the smallest attended church in the world.
I have run across many scriptures that destroy Calvinism in my mind. Any invitation Jesus gave destroys Calvinism. (Matt. 11-28). Satan's ministry in blinding minds (II Cor 4:4-5) destroys Calvinism. That many resisted God destroys Calvinism.(Acts 7:51).I could go on and on.
As I stated last week, I don't believe in total depravity, unconditional election, limited atonement, irresistible grace and the perseverance of the saints.
I pastor Grace Baptist Church at 31046 Hwy MM. Services are at 10:00 AM,11:00 AM and 4:00 PM on Sundays. We have prayer meetings in members homes on Wednesday. Call (660) 281-4775 for more information.

Lincoln First Baptist Church

Bless be the name of the Lord. God is good all the time. All the time God is good. Hello everyone. It was great to be in the Lord’s house today. Come and join us and see for yourself the family of God. Word from Baptist Ridge Children’s camp is that there were 84 children that attended. Praise the Lord. This is great to hear.
Our church was invited to the pastor’s home Sunday evening for hot dogs and s’mores. The youth also went frogging. Everyone enjoyed the evening.
Pastor Jesse is feeling better and delivered a great message. 1 Peter 1:13 was the text. We serve a God that can do anything He wants. You are responsible for what you do know and what you don’t. Open your ears and be ready to learn. Paul says six times not to be ignorant. Do you do things for God daily? Read the Bible, study the Bible and pray. Do not chose to be ignorant.
Talk about Jesus and what He has done. If a person’s life changes they are growing in Christ. Read and understand the Bible. None of us are without blemish or are perfect. We are only perfect through the shed blood of Christ. We are only saved by the blood of Christ. Set aside time for God and pray earnestly.

Hopewell Baptist Church

In Matthew 23:1-37, Jesus is talking to the Disciples and the crowds about the Pharisee, Sadducees, and the Teachers of the Law and is telling them to be careful not to be like them because what they say and do are two different things. They place great burdens on others but are unwilling to carry any burdens. Everything they do is for show, and they want everyone to know how good they are at following God. Those who put themselves in front will be humbled and those who are humble, will be exalted. When Jesus is madder than a hornet, its’ at the Religious Leaders because they had all the resources, and their lives were not a reflection of what they said they believed. They spent their time thinking about unimportant things closing the door on those right in front of them. and neglecting the things that were important.
Jesus tells the Pharisees they think they have it all figured out, and we fall into the same trap when we think we are better than someone else. It’s not enough to say we love Jesus if our lives are not a reflection of it. We are hypocrites when we say we love Jesus and cannot show love to others. We should notice when others need the love of Jesus and be His hands and feet. We are not good apart from Jesus! We need to look at other people and see the hope of Jesus! Jesus lay down His life for people who hated Him. Jesus tells them if you want to be like someone, be like Him. Are we ready to lay down our lives for those we despise the most? Can we say forgive them Lord because they don’t know what they’re doing. Is this our heart? His grace is sufficient, and it is enough! Jesus must be the focus! If we put Jesus first, it will all fall into place. Are we going to put Jesus first? Tell Jesus you need Him – He is willing to forgive!
Join us Sunday mornings for Sunday School at 10 a.m. with Worship at 11 a.m. We have a new Sunday evening Children’s Program at 5:30 p.m. with Adult Bible Study at 6 p.m. Our mid-week Bible Study is Wednesday at 6 p.m. Watch our service live at 11 a.m. each Sunday on Hopewell Baptist Church Facebook page.

Unity Of The Lakes

This Sunday, July 21st, guest minister, Reverend Shad Groverland will speak at Unity of the Lakes at 11 AM. The church is located at 34948 Hwy 65 South, Warsaw about 8 miles south of town. The talk title will be: What Do You Believe?
Many people say they believe in God yet their lives may not demonstrate that belief or reflect the blessings that come with that belief. So what does it really mean when we say we believe in God, and how would our lives look different if we truly meant it?
Rev. Shad Groverland was born and raised in Unity, learning Unity principles from his parents who were Unity ministers. Reverend Shad has served at Unity of Las Vegas and Unity of Boulder in Colorado. He has served at Unity Worldwide Ministries as President/CEO.
His experience in Unity is vast and long-term. He has served as youth director, board trustee, youth camp counselor, youth and family team leader. He has served on Unity Worldwide Ministries Board of Trustees, and served as Secretary of the Board. Shad served on multiple teams focused on shaping the future of the Unity Movement and continued this legacy of revitalization into his most recent position as President/CEO.