City Of Warsaw Gets Timeline On Several Grant Projects


Warsaw Chamber Executive Administrator Megan Petersen spoke to the Warsaw City Council about additional food trucks for Heritage Days at their September 16 meeting. Council members approved the addition of four more trucks to be place on Van Buren Street.

In other business, the Council approved Ordinance Number 557 authorizing the Mayor to enter into a supplemental agreement to complete, extend or continue the original agreement between the City of Warsaw and Burns and McDonnell Engineering Company, Inc. for professional services for MODOT Project 22-023-2, Apron Expansion to the north at the Warsaw Municipal Airport. The vote was councilmen James White, aye, Eric Flores, aye, Rob Coskey, aye and Adam Howe, aye. Councilwomen Reba Slavens and Lou Breshears were absent.

The council also approved Ordinance Number 558 authorizing the Mayor to execute Amendment #1 to bill #2023-14, Ordinance # 507 to State Block Grant Agreement by and between the City of Warsaw and Missouri Highways and Transportation Commission. Reference also was made to the Federal Aviation Administration and the Federal Airport Improvement program. The vote was councilmen James White, aye, Eric Flores, aye, Rob Coskey, aye and Adam Howe, aye. Councilwomen Reba Slaves and Lou Breshears were absent.

The council also accepted a bid from Lane’s Quality Service for $5,200 to replace the heating and air conditioning unit in the mobile home at the airport.

City Administrator Randy Pogue updated the council on a tentative schedule for upcoming projects.

Main Street north side improvements from Hackberry to U.S.65 will be advertised for bids at the end of September 2024 and open bids at the end of October 2024. Construction will be from January until October 2025.

Drake Harbor restroom and parking lot improvements will be advertised for bids in October 2024 with bid opening in November 2024. Construction will be from January until April 2025.

North Town, Commercial and Pol Street improvements will advertise for bids November 2024 and bids will be opened December 2024. Construction is set for February to June 2025.

Main Street south side improvements from hackberry to U.S. 65 TAP -Phase II projects will advertise for bids July 2025, open bids, August 2025 with construction October 2025 until August 2026.

Main Street improvements from Illinois to Hackberry TAP/GAP-Phase III projects will start design in November 2025. Right of Way Plans to MoDOT will be in February 2025 with final plans to MoDOT in July 2025. Advertise for bids in October 2025 with opening of bids in November 2025. Construction will be from January to November 2026.