What A Night! Balloon Glow Brings Light To Lincoln Sky


The fourth year for the Lincoln Balloon Glow came on Saturday, September 14 with a beautiful day awaiting attendees for activities beginning in Hare Park that mid-afternoon.

The day's first focus was the Strongman Contest overseen by the Benton County office of the University of Missouri Extension. It was everything pumpkins for the kids and adults alike who chose to participate. Contests included lifting, pulling, rolling and kicking pumpkins and, let’s not forget, launching pumpkins.

Much to the chagrin of all, the Benton County office has a catapult mounted on wheels from which pumpkins are launched down the pulling track and out of the main arena. As medieval as it is, it has become an event that is much anticipated and greatly enjoyed by the spectators.

Also on site was a Petting Zoo and Pony rides that were all free of charge, courtesy of Equity Bank, much thanks to their generous sponsorship. Needless to say, that segment of the day was a big hit with all the kids as few get a chance to ride a real life pony.

The vendor segment of the day didn’t materialize as the individual in charge suffered some severe health issues and was unable to carry through.

Nevertheless, the ever-so popular Cornhole Tournament raged and everyone was enjoying the beer garden on a warm fall afternoon.

The beer garden hosted The Groove Pilots to cap off the day and it was well-attended as people relaxed after a fun-filled, yet great day.

The climax for the families in attendance was the three hot air balloons being aired and lit. This process is a show in itself and many "oohs" and "aahs" could be heard as the colorful silk unfurls and fills with the warm air, causing them to lift skyward and sway in the evening breezes.

According to the Boy Scout troop working the gate, it was estimated that at least 500 people came to see the balloons up and lit.

In conclusion it can be said that the 2024 Lincoln Balloon Glow event can be chalked up for another year and can be considered a rousing success by the Lincoln Chamber of Commerce and the Benton County office of the University of Missouri Extension.