Cole Camp Museum Donations Fall Short Of Previous Revenues


The Cole Camp Museum President, Robert Wienberg, called the regular monthly meeting to order on Thursday, August 15 at 2 p.m. in the Museum proper. Minutes were read by the Secretary and approved. Treasurer’s report was given and approved.

President Wienberg had attempted to call a local electrician about the front outside lights but had been unable to make a connection. Kathy Bruner volunteered to hire an electrician.

The Cole Camp Fair Board President had asked if the Fair Board could use Museum water during the three day event and the Museum Board approved. President Wienberg stated he had received calls from two Docents asking to be excused from duties during the Fair as they were expecting out of town guests. Suzanne Lutjen said she would seek replacement volunteers. Diana Ball volunteered to take one of the shifts.

The issue of who would now oversee the paperwork of registering donations for the record book was brought back to the floor. Following some discussion, Diana Ball volunteered to take the project in hand if shown how the artifacts are to be recorded.

The question was asked if the Treasurer thought the amount of donations have dropped from the previous year. The Treasurer said he would check the records and report on the matter at the next meeting. Then it was noted the original, but highly visible donation jar had been replaced with a more secure, but less visible one. It was decided to revert to the old model but find a way to make it more secure. Diana Ball volunteered to seek a solution.

The subject of a Pancake breakfast as a possible fund raiser was once more introduced for discussion. It has been decided to possibly have a pancake breakfast in either January or February as that is a slower time for fund raising events and would be a break in the monotony of winter.

With all business attended to, the meeting was adjourned.