Cole Camp Museum Makes Plans For Tourism Video


The Cole Camp Museum met on Thursday, July18 in the museum building. The group welcomed new members, Diana Ball and Kathy Bruner. President, Robert Wienberg called the meeting to order.

The minutes were read by the Secretary, Dianne Peck and approved. Treasurer’s report was presented and approved. President Wienberg announced the dehumidifier is still working properly and he will get it moved to the south side of the building and fix a drainage so it can properly remove the moisture from the interior.

Dianne Peck shared she had contacted Benton county Tourism about making a video of the entity to showcase what the museum features, chiefly its large collection of German cultural artifacts, plus its unique displays of the Battle of Cole Camp. The video will play on the Tourism website. The Museum Board hopes to highlight the German culture to complement the German memorial that draws visitors from all over the United States and some from foreign countries.

Kathy Bruner questioned if the lights mounted outside the front door are working and if they are, why are they never used? She said she would pay to have them repaired if they aren’t working. A discussion was held about the origin of the lights and if they had a special significance. Dianne Peck said she would attempt to find out why they were chosen for the front of the building.

Cheryl Brockman asked if anyone has taken up the task of recording donations now that Lillie Stelling is no longer able to do that task. It was decided to find a replacement for the job.

A brief discussion was held about possible future fund raisers but no ideas were formed or firmly committed to. The matter was tabled for future discussion. The next meeting is scheduled for Thursday, August 15 in the Museum at 2 p.m. Visitors are welcome.