Fristoe News


The weather is beautiful temperature-wise and allowance for rainfall. Some storms but nothing really bad and scarry! The gardens, yards and flowers are beginning to produce in a fantastic way. My husband Dean thinks he will have "new" potatoes from his garden in another two to three weeks!

Prayers this week for Kathy First, Amber First, Carolee Apperson, Cherie Boecher, Gladys Harris, Curtis Allen and Mary Scarbrough!

Still receiving notes from Gracie Yoder in Guatemala but plans are being made to come home in the next few weeks. What the plans are for her life afterward we haven't heard. We encourage everyone to keep Gracie and her mission team in your prayers,

Speaking of missions, the VanDerDecker's who were in visiting the Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church last Sunday were at the church on Monday and visited those at church that have church clean-up and prayers on Monday morning. They went with Dean Arnett to look at the church they attended at beginning, the Concord Church. They also enjoyed singing some of the chorus songs they used to sing. Pam played the piano in much the same way Doris Admire played and sang. Dean and Pat took Peter and Pam to eat lunch at Preston Restaurant and they all had a wonderful time of fellowship. The VanDerDecker's will be going back to New Guinea in early June.

Birthdays for the next week are Richard Vaughn on May 14 and Lincoln McGuire on Sunday, May 19.

My beautiful granddaughter Laney Arnett will be graduating from Warsaw High School on Thursday night, May 16. Laney began school with 2 years of pre-School at Warsaw's United Methodist Church pre-school. Laney then attended kindergarten at Lincoln and her family then moved to Fristoe and she then has attended school at R-9 South, John Boise Middle School and finished at Warsaw High School. I (her Nana) graduated from Warsaw in 1970, her dad, Adam graduated from Warsaw in 2001. The Arnett's move right on.

The Fristoe Lighthouse Church is planning on holding revival services in the "Ole Brush Arbor" facility on the parking lot next to the church building. Plans are for it to begin on Wednesday night, May 29 going through at least May 31. Specials sang this week were Claude, Delores and the Lighthouse Singers, Dobee and Ken,

Dave Cunningham and Larry Meeks and Ellen. Everyone did a wonderful job. Br. Smith's message was located in Titus, with encouragement to each for having grace through Jesus.

Thought for the week: Something discussed in Sunday School! Tempers are like fire, it can be very destructive when it gets out of control

Hoping all have a wonderful week and remember, open your mouth with wisdom by showing kindness!