Fristoe News


The weather allowed for lots of harvest of vegetables from friends and neighbors gardens while farmers put away lots of really good hay for the winter this week, then the area received a nice rain at week's end.

Had really good news for a couple of people who have been on our prayer request list; one, Adam Smith has been blessed with really good medical news and told us he could be taken off the prayer list which made us really happy! Our eldest church member, Mary Scarbrough, who has been unable to attend church for the past 5 weeks because of a cracked bone in her foot, was released to put weight on the foot this week and was able to return to services. When she came through the front door, the church gave her a hand clap praise. She was very touched to know the people had missed her.

Fristoe News sends Happy Anniversary wishes to Jim and Teresa Jackman this week and a Happy Birthday shout out to Michael Ullum and Tony Smith, Pastor of Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church!

Laney Arnett and Brooklyn Jackman, granddaughters of Jim and Teresa Jackman both took advantage of going to Missouri Girls State, Laney last year and Brooklyn this year. Each young lady took advantage of attending in their junior year of high school. To have two girls from Fristoe take advantage, I think is great. We just received word that Logan Gemes attended Boys State last week also; another young person from Fristoe spreading their wings. We from Fristoe are very proud of these young people and know they will make Fristoe a better place. God is good!

We still have a prayer list, always Mary Scarbrough, Kathy First, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Gladys Harris and Carolee Apperson.

REMEMBER: PIE AUCTION, Annual pie Auction held each year as way to bring in money for Antwiler Park Board will be held on Saturday, July 20 in the Fristoe Community Building.

Fristoe Lighthouse Church was down a few in numbers but "the spirit" was alive and "rocking". Br. Dave and Connie, Dobee, Ken, Claude and Dolores, with Br. Tony and Brenda took care of the music Sunday morning. It was wonderful, and all were blessed!

Thought for the week: God intervenes in the situations of people only if he is invited to! Rev: 3:20 Behold I stand at the door and knock!

We hope everyone reading The Fristoe News column in the Benton County Enterprise has a wonderful, enjoyable week!