Fristoe News


The weather has almost been spring-like for the last few days, with temperatures in the lower 80's and several nice showers.

The Antwiler Park Board sends out a huge amount of thanks to everyone who helped make the annual Old Fashioned Pie Auction on Saturday night such a great success! First, thank you to the Benton County officials for providing hot dogs and chips with water to everyone for free; especially Carla Brown and Amie Breshears. Next, everyone who provided something to be auctioned off, pie or otherwise. Then thank you to all who put down their money to buy the many pies, cakes, cookies and all else. Then, finally THANK YOU to Phillip Yoder for taking the time from his schedule to be the auctioneer for the auction. We understand he came from an auction he was working with Johnson, which is how he makes his living, and came to Fristoe to donate his time. Everyone, when you are looking for an auctioneer, remember Phillip and how good he has been through the years helping with the Pie Auction. I always mention him as the Fristoe resident auctioneer!

I am going to mention some names that were in the crowd at the pie auction; people who are Fristonians; Steve and Jill Gemes, Scott and Julie Gemes, Linda Williams Pierson and Mary Jackman Crouch. It was great to see them. Jill said she was at the farm doing some cleaning up. It was wonderful that they stopped by!

Prayer list this week: Kathy First, Lewis and Judy Retherford, Gladys Harris, Carolee Apperson and Mary Scarbrough.

Another list for birthday shoutouts this week: Happy Birthday to Ralph Julian on Tuesday, July 23; Bob Ellerman on Thursday, July 25; Ken Heier on Friday, July 26 and Happy Anniversary to Kevin and Sue Bumstead! Blessings to all.

The Fristoe Pentecostal Lighthouse Church had a wonderful church full of worshipers on Sunday morning. The adult Sunday School lesson was Psalms 45 and 47, and taught that singing praises to The Lord is very important and also that it is very good to always clap your hands to show encouragement of your time with The Lord. It shows all that God is King of the world! Connie and Dave Cunningham, Elizabeth, Claude and Delores, Sue, Bryan, Tony and Brenda all sang beautiful songs Sunday morning and Blessed the congregation. Br. Smith's message was from the book of Hebrews chapter 11.

Thought for the week: "NO" is one of the few words that can never be misunderstood! God is like Coca-Cola; He is the real thing!

Fristoe News was known as The Fristoe Items when Ola Mae Reaves and Dee Antwiler put the words in the paper. Just thought everyone would like to know that.