Have I Got A Line For You!


During dinner Sunday evening niece Maeve asked if we’d ever watched anyone “Witch for water?” This involves taking a small branch from a tree, holding it out in front of you and walking over an area to see if the branch drops. These people are called “Dowsers” and used to be brought in when a well was dug. Does this work? Sure does for some people. After we departed the dinner table and were sitting comfortably on the back porch, the subject tuned up again. Brother-in-law Steve cut a switch from a free in the backyard and we took turns trying to “Dowse” in the driveway. Maeve was the only one who had the switch dip down in her hands. She swore it wasn’t done on purpose. Steve said the main water line to the house was where the switch went down. It was fun to do and a good memory. I have many nice memories of gatherings at the Lorenz home over the years.
The Mayor of New York is making news again. He’s in Rome attending the “World Meeting On Human Fraternity” where “Personalities from all across the globe” will have round-table meetings. His Honor also had a meeting with Pope Francis. Not a bad idea, New York needs all the help it can get. A little Divine intervention couldn’t hurt. I wonder if he asked the Pope about the wall around the Vatican and what the purpose is.
Back in our own country, President Biden is withholding a big ammunition shipment to Israel and floating the idea of bringing Gaza “Refugees” to the U.S. Never thought I’d see an American administration do things to help and protect a known terrorist organization. It’s election season though, and appeasing terrorists may buy Uncle Joe a few votes in Michigan. Meanwhile, the aid to Ukraine flows like water. Wonder what information they have that Israel does not?
One consequence of no longer being young is reaching for a word a word or name you know well, but has disappeared from view. It will arrive eventually though. There is a little computer in your brain that contains all this information. If you wait patiently, it will eventually chug up the word or name. This is a particularly interesting situation when you’re talking to some who can’t remember the name either. Ah well, if God had meant man to fly, he’d have given us wings. Speaking of computers, ours got mixed up last week. We had a double whammy of misspellings and extend an apology. Clinton’s Church Of The Nazarene Pastor’s name is spelled Marshall Trisler and in Warsaw part of Maggie’s name was wrong. For the record it’s spelled Margaret LuEllon McMillin.
This day is a gift to all of us. Life is fragile. Keep moving forward Old Buddy.
Til Next Week: