Have I Got A Line For You!


There are all kinds of stories in the news calling for President Biden to drop out of the race because of his health. Well, the writing has been on the wall for the last year or so and now our “State run media” is finally acknowledging what many of us already knew. Things could go from bad to worse with Kamala Harris being floated to replace Uncle Joe. Who do we have to thank for this mess? President Obama if you ask me. It sure wasn’t Joe and Jill’s idea to put her on the ticket, especially after she pretty much called him a racist. President Obama had her on his radar for years, going back to when she was the AG in California. Meanwhile, they say The Donald is a threat to democracy. I’ve never seen any facts to support this. Some of his policies may not be popular and sometimes he can be caustic and rude, but threat to democracy? Bring on the conventions!
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Amber Segar gave me a book on Christian beliefs and I found one paragraph particularly interesting. The author, a minister, was talking about the resurrection. He said he’d been in a country churchyard with a Bishop who commented, “Won’t this be a pretty place for people to spring out of their graves on Resurrection Day?" The author then posed this question: “If you fall into the ocean and are eaten by fish, and the fish are eaten by a bunch of people, where will you resurrect? Good question.
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Going through our old files, I ran across a letter from the late Ethel Freeman Harbit. She lived in Windsor and sent this to the Enterprise when she turned 90 on September 8, 1990. It reads, “When I was a girl in Warsaw, the Freeman name was on three buildings. My brother sold his hardware store a few years back and I told him it was a shame for the Freeman name to disappear from downtown after so long. We were so much a part of Warsaw that it seemed like our town. I imagine many other families have felt the same way down the years. My late husband Floyd Harbit and I were married in 1921 and subscribed to the Enterprise that same year. However, we got so poor during the depression that we could no longer afford it, but Brooksie sent it anyway. I think I’ve owed the Enterprise $10.00 for 60 years. It is enclosed.”
I never met Mrs. Harbit, but have fond memories of her brother Bill and his wife Wilma. The structure that served as their store and residence still stands on Main Street. It’s home to a CPA firm now. Time sure marches along for buildings and people.
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We’ve had many visitors coming into the office today along with phone calls and emails that its now 3:30 PM and Miss Hanson needs to get this on the page. But keep calling, coming in and emailing! I like it! You are the heart of our business. Have a fine day Old Buddy.
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'Til next week: