Meet The People Of Benton County - Alyssa Alcantara


NAME: Alyssa Alcantara


FAMILY: Dad and Mom, Dr. Ray Alcantara and Shannon; Sister, Alyson

EDUCATION: WHS graduate, will be a junior at Northwest MO State University

CAREER PLANS: After graduating, go to grad school and become a veterinarian, like my dad.

FIRST JOB: Janitor at WHS

FAVORITE CHILDHOOD MEMORY: Being in Florida during Christmastime, the place we were at had buildings with lights and fake snow

THE BEST TIME OF MY LIFE WAS WHEN: I graduated from high school and the world was opening up to me.

MOST EMBARRASSING MOMENT: There's a lot, that's the problem; enough said.


MY GREATEST FEAR IS: Losing my loved ones.

I HOPE I NEVER HAVE TO: Go deep sea scuba diving; too many things can go wrong.

I'VE NEVER BEEN ABLE TO: Whistle. I'd really like to be able to do that.

IF I WON THE LOTTERY, I WOULD: Payoff loved ones debts.

MY DREAM TRIP WOULD BE TO: Rome, because of the history and so much of our governments ideals are influenced from Roman culture.

HOBBIES: Play musical instruments, run and read

FAVORITE BAND OR MUSICIAN: For King and Country, they're an Australian Christian group

FAVORITE MOVIE: Lord of the Rings trilogy, and I can't pick between those.

FAVORITE CANDY: Anything chocolate!

FUTURE GOAL: Graduate from NWMSU and get into grad school at MU

WHICH PERSON DO YOU ADMIRE MOST: My mom, Shannon. She's compassionate and strong.

ADVICE YOU WOULD GIVE YOUR YOUNGER SELF: Take more risks, but don't be stupid about it.

WORDS TO LIVE BY: It does not do to dwell on dreams and forget to live.