Retired Cole Camp Coach Ward, Ready And Willing


Longtime Cole Camp softball Coach Terri Ward came out of retirement this season to help coach the girl's softball team due to coach Darian Rusk's pregnancy.

Coach Rusk recently had a baby boy and is doing well. His father is the Cole Camp baseball coach Brendan Rusk.

Coach Ward graciously answered some questions concerning her comeback. Her brief interview is below.

JL: How was coming out of retirement to help coach softball this season?
Coach Ward: It has been an amazing experience. In the beginning, I was nervous, but it was just like riding a bike. As soon as my feet hit the pedals, I was off on a GREAT ride! I love the Bluebird softball program but more importantly, I love all my former players like my own kids. This was an opportunity for me to help Coach Darian Rusk get through this season so she can return in full capacity next spring. My job was to implement her program to the new players and build the basic fundamentals with the returners. We (Mel Garrett, Karley Thayer and I) tried to carry out practice and game preparation the same way Coach Rusk will do things. Coach Rusk was still very involved behind the scenes (planning practice, meeting with players and reviewing our opponents). I felt we communicated well and everything went smoothly. It was a very enjoyable experience and I will always treasure the small impact I was able to have on some great young student athletes. The girls handled the situation well! I am truly thankful, grateful and blessed with some wonderful memories.

JL: What were your expectations going in?
Coach Ward: I had much lower expectations than the final outcome. I knew our team was extremely young (they finished 10-7). They had lost a very talented veteran team.
We started 4 freshmen, 3 sophomores, 1 junior and 1 senior. I was extremely surprised and excited with the leadership from the upperclassmen. The girls worked hard. The most rewarding part was watching their progress every day as they continued to learn and grow. Bringing home a 3rd place conference trophy and winning 10 games was a great season for this young team. I am so proud of them.

JL: What do you see for the future of the program?
Coach Ward: This program will continue to be competitive for many years. Coach Rusk does a fantastic job with her teams. 17 of our 19 players were freshmen and sophomores. We are young and have a great group of 8th graders coming in next season. That will make for some serious competition in practice, fighting for varsity playing time. They will definitely be fun to watch and I intend to be in the stands, maybe even rocking our new addition Liam Tate Rusk, for as many games as possible.