CCA High School Celebrates Graduation Class Of 2024


The 2024 Commencement Ceremony for Seniors at Clinton Christian Academy was held on Saturday, May 18 at 2:00 pm in the CCA gym. The processional (Pomp & Circumstance) was played as seven graduates entered to celebrate the culmination of their high school careers. The Star-Spangled Banner was sung by Shauna Townsend. Upper School Principal, Becky Hyke, gave the opening prayer and welcomed a large crowd in attendance for this special ceremony.
Ryan Campos, CCA Bible & Social Studies teacher, gave the keynote address entitled “Resilience”. Mr. Campos included James 1:2-4 as the scripture passage for this message. Seniors were reminded that hardships will come for all of us and that the call for resilience is a trait that is intentionally nurtured, practiced and takes time. Mr. Campos went on to share how the character trait of resilience is cultivated: (1) God will use trials to perfect our faith and to increase our strength as Christians; (2) God’s grace working in and through us during challenging times helps grow us in perseverance or steadfastness; and (3) Resilience isn’t just about bouncing back, it’s about bouncing forward. Mr. Campos encouraged the seniors to remember that being resilient is using every setback, every obstacle, every challenge, as a stepping stone forward–as an opportunity for growth. Seniors were encouraged to use adversity as an opportunity for growth and know that whatever happens in the future, God’s grace is there to sustain you, to keep you, and nourish you; for when resilience calls, you must answer!
CCA Administrator, Robin Ritchie, read scripture from Jeremiah 29:11. Mrs. Ritchie shared that although graduation can sometimes bring about feelings of uncertainty, fear or doubt during this time of transition, this verse is a reassuring reminder of God’s faithfulness and His good plan for their lives. Mrs. Ritchie encouraged the graduates that they could always find comfort in knowing that God has a specific plan for each one of them.
This year’s Senior Addresses were given by Valedictorian Priscilla Lanning and Salutatorian Marlee Cronhardt. Priscilla is the daughter of Ken & Michele Lanning from Clinton, MO and Marlee is the daughter of Chad Cronhardt and Shelley Nelson of Clinton, MO. Priscilla and Marlee encouraged and inspired their classmates as well as everyone in attendance.
Priscilla shared the following remarks: “We have learned a lot over the last four years at Clinton Christian Academy. But I think the most important thing we learned was that our attitudes shape our experiences.” Priscilla encouraged her class to remember to enjoy the moment and that choosing happiness and contentment is a much better choice than bitterness and anger, quoting James 1:19-20 to underscore her point. Priscilla also reminded the graduating class of the importance of remembering this verse as they move forward into the next stage of their lives and encounter things in their lives that are out of their control. “You can either let inconveniences ruin your mood, or you can choose to move on and show the righteousness God wants from us. We are in control of how we react.” Priscilla’s final thought of her Valedictorian address was a quote that Taylor Swift once told some graduates, “I have great news, the rest is up to you. I also have terrifying news, the rest is up to you.”
Marlee shared the following remarks during her Salutatorian Address: “While preparing for this speech…my mind wandered to memories of growing up together and how much we have all changed. I thought about the times we spent laughing at stupid jokes and when we all came together during rough patches. These are the memories that I will look back on in ten years. This is the thing I will think about, not the grades. Most of us have set high expectations for academic excellence, success in clubs or being the MVP in our sport. While these things are great and important, they are not what really defines us. …Remembering how we treated and interacted with one another–the time spent together–is what will be remembered.” Marlee encouraged those in attendance to be intentional with how we interact with one another–which is really what high school is all about. Marlee reiterated that high school is not just about the accomplishments you make, it is about the journey–it’s about the memories and friends you make along the way!
The senior speeches were followed by a “Senior Picture Show” that featured photos throughout the lives of all seven Seniors. Following the picture show, Seniors presented flowers to family and friends that have supported them throughout their lives thus far. Mrs. Hyke then spoke about having a firm foundation in Christ.
Representative Jim Kalberloah was in attendance to share the Certificate of Recognition awarded to each senior from the Missouri House of Representatives. A number of other Senior awards and scholarships were then presented by Guidance Counselor, Audra Schumpert. Other scholarship/award presenters included Amber Hansen, Clinton Chamber of Commerce; Dan Yuliuch, American Legion; Chester Jones, VFW; Jeff Adams, Christian Fellowship of Athletes; Ken Lanning, GVMH; and G.R. Lowe, AvFab.
Mrs. Hyke and Mrs. Ritchie presented diplomas to each graduating senior. The 2024 Commencement Ceremony concluded with the turning of the tassels led by Senior Kade Manning. Don Patterson, Pastor of Tebo Baptist Church and CCA Retiree, gave the Closing Prayer. Graduating Seniors danced out of the CCA gym to the processional, “Dog Days are Over” and tossed their caps into the air at the back of the gym before visiting with their many guests in attendance. Photographer Kelly Griffey took photos throughout the ceremony and provided a time with each graduate and their families for graduation portraits after the ceremony. Congratulations CCA Class of 2024!