Holy Rosary Is Spelling Bee Winner


On May 6th, the West Central Missouri Spelling Bee was hosted by Clinton
Christian Academy. The annual event offered students from Clinton Christian
Academy, Holy Rosary, Hudson R-IX, St. Mary’s and Zion Lutheran to showcase
their spelling ability.
The contest is divided into two divisions: grades 1 through 4 and grades 5
through 8. Each school involved sends two students to represent each grade level. The top two spellers in each grade then compete in the final spell off.
First round results were: First grade, Banx Thomas, Hudson, 1st and Oakleigh
Gray, CCA, 2nd; Second grade, London Mosley, CCA, i5t and Claire Meler, Holy
Rosary, 2nd; Third grade, Dakota McClure, CCA, 1st and Chase Frost, Hudson, 2nd; Fourth grade, Svea Webber, Holy Rosary, 1st and Seth Curnutte, CCA, 2nd; Fifth
grade, Natalie Cook, Holy Rosary, 1st and Suzanne Campbell, Hudson, 2nd; Sixth
grade, Arianna Hilgenberg, Hudson, ist and Ellie Booth, Holy Rosary, 2nd; Seventh grade, Alayna Harkey, Holy Rosary, 1st, and Macey Tenholder, St. Mary’s, 2nd; Eighth grade, Bryce Bagley, Holy Rosary, 1st and Grace Engeman, Hudson, 2nd.
The final spell off winner in the 1st-4th grade division was Dakota McClure,
Clinton Christian Academy. Grace Engeman, Hudson, was the winner in the 5th-8th grade division.
All Spelling Bee participants received a certificate of participation. First and second place winners in each grade level received medals, and both final spell off winners received trophies for their overall first place finish.
Points are given for 1st and 2nd place overall by school. The school with the most points receives the traveling plaque. Holy Rosary was the school that totaled the most points and therefore was the overall winner. The overall school winner determines who will host the Spelling Bee next year; therefore, Holy Rosary will
host in 2025.