Baby Show Takes Center Stage


The American Legion Auxiliary has once more hosted the Cole Camp Fair Baby Show. The show has been on-going for so long that no one seems to recall when it even began. To say it is an important part of the Fair is certainly an understatement.

It isn’t just the baby girl or boy in their cutest outfits that shows up, escorted by Mom & Dad; it’s the grandparents, and sometimes g-grandparents, Aunts, Uncles and siblings that come to cheer their wee one into the victory circle. It seems the 0-6 and 7-12 month classes have the largest number of entries and those age brackets seem to come with the largest cheering sections too.

Lynessa Cain, daughter of Eric & Kelsey Cain won in the 0-6 months, while Liam Rusk, son of Brendan & Dorian Rusk won boys 0-6 months. Autumn Thomas, daughter of Brett & Lauren Thomas, came in first in 7-12 months and Clay Jackson, son of Josh and Katy Jackson took first in the 7-12 months for boys.

Relatives had gathered in clusters and caught up on the latest family news while small children buddied up with other offspring their own age and then the building becomes a hub of mass pandemonium causing the Master of Ceremonies to use the loudest voice she could muster to shush and let the judging begin.

Mallorie Snyder daughter of Hunter & Bridget Snyder won the 13-19 month girls and Isiaih Staus took the boys 13-19 month. Isiaih is the son of Austin & Rachel Staus. In the girls 20-24 month Hazel Vajen, daughter of Randy & Ashley Vajen won first. There were no entries in the Boys 20-24 month category.

As each category is completed the contestants depart, taking their large entourages with them. Finally it all ends with a few pleased parents proudly displaying their blue ribbons while others head off wondering why their little Johnnie or their little Suzie didn’t win.