City Of Lincoln Addresses Busy Agenda On Monday Night


After the swift handling of routine business, the Lincoln City Council heard a report from Benton County Economic Developent Director, JoAnn Lane on grants available for businesses that are Ag related in food production.

The Monday evening, September 9 meeting moved to reports from the new Police Chief, Andrew Breshears. Breshears also had in attendance his chief officer and his reserve officer. Chief Breshears, in his first report since assuming the position, revealed a great deal of progress on various issues that had been lingering.

Public Works Director, Josh Cole gave a verbal and written account of what his crew has been working on. The tasks were numerous and very diversified in what had been done. One large issue was working with Cardinal Apartments with water leaks with the goal of protecting the roadways in that area. A second task finally off the to-do list was getting the water lines installed to the Kendal Mast business on the north end of the 65 corridor. In addition to regular duties, Josh had not only been installing new water meters and preparing for the Balloon Glow/Fall Market but is working on a new budget for his department for 2025.

City Clerk Sabrina Brown reported a man, new to Lincoln, was concerned about the costs to comply with licensing a dog in the community. He had three and was not happy with the costs he was facing. He wants the city to sponsor a clinic for dogs receiving their necessary shots and after discussion it was decided the city would investigate and possibly of establishing a city provided clinic.

Ms. Brown announced she has decided the city has to take the plunge and purchase new city software. She said the matter will have to be voted on for approval at the October regular meeting.

Cameron Akins, a W&C Insurance adjuster, was on hand and reported his findings on hail damage on city owned property. There are solar panels that need to be replaced at the sewer plant, police receptor building, concession stand and bathrooms and the dugout roof in Hare Park, the buildings on Main Street, including one-half the roof on the cattle barn in the 4-H grounds, the Maintenance shed roof on the 65 Corridor, the Airport hangar. The adjuster says he is including ground cleanup at the airport to insure nothing is left to damage airplane tires. He stated the city has full replacement coverage with a $2,500 deductible.

There was a first and second reading by title only of Bill No. 09-09-2024 to become ordinance #722. It is: “An Ordinance establishing rules and guidelines for water bill adjustments, when requested by customers, by the city Clerk, to offset excessively high water consumption due to a catastrophic leak or neglect.” The Bill passed unanimously by roll call vote.

Mayor Nelson announced there will have to be a solution concerning the sale of the ferris wheel, carousel and the little train housed in the Big Park. The city does not have insurance liability coverage and the company will not write a policy. The Park Board will have to meet and discuss the issue and then the city will have to find a buyer.

The Mayor gave the council a heads-up that the budget process sessions will begin on September 25 and again on October 2, beginning at 1:00 PM. With no further business, the meeting adjourned.