Benton County Commission Approves Tax Rates For 2024


Attorney Gable Dull met with the Benton County Commissioners on August 26 to present an application for vacation of a portion of a platted road located in First Addition to Lakeview Heights. Also present were Jeffre and Diane Firman. This property is described as follows: Dogwood Lane running parallel to the eastern boundary of Lots 175 through 178 and 30’ of Lot 179 for a total distance of 30’ x 480’; Cross Lane running parallel to the northern boundary of Lots 180 for 70’ and the northern boundary of Lots 181-183 for a total distance of 30’ x 375’; Northern walking path (running east-west) running parallel to the southern boundary of Lot 190 for 116’ and the southern boundary of Lot 175 for 40’, for a total distance of 10’ x 156’; Eastern walking path (running north-south) running parallel in the western boundary of Lot 185 for 155’ and western boundary of Lot 182 for 100’, for a total distance of 10’ x 225’.

There being no opposition to the proposed vacation, District 2 Commissioner Scott Harms made the motion to approve the vacation as presented. The motion passed.

In other business the Commissioners discussed the proposed tax rates for Benton County. Commissioner harms made the motion to approve a resolution to adjust the tax rate ceiling as required and to accept the proposed tax rates for the 2024 tax year. The motion passed. The proposed tax rates are $0.1119 for general revenue and $0.2107 for Road and Bridge per $100 assessed valuation.

The Commissioners have contacted the Department of Health and Senior Services and the Missouri State Highway Patrol pertaining to a business within Benton County that is allegedly selling cannabis without a license. Further investigation will be given to this matter.

County Treasurer Rick Renno presented his weekly financial report and County Clerk Susan Porterfield submitted bills for approval and payment.
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The Benton County Commissioners met with Collector David Brodersen, Deputy Collector David Brown and Assessor Jim Hansen at their September 3 meeting to discuss SB 190/SB756 providing a tax reduction benefit for older Benton County residents. The attendees reviewed a proposed order/ordinance from MAC attorney Travis Elliott. Some written changes were proposed and these were emailed to Elliott to consider adding to the draft ordinance. A draft application form and a draft approval form have been proposed by the Collector’s Office and these documents will be finalized with the adoption of a future ordinance.

In other business, the Commissioners opened the RFQ Proposal submitted by HMN Architects of Overland Park, Kansas. This RFQ is intended to have an architectural firm develop a Master Plan for Benton County. The proposal will be reviewed and an interview with the selected firm will be conducted on September 9.

The Commissioners discussed the proposed Memorandum of Understanding document between Benton County and the U. S. Army Corps of Engineers. This agreement outlines the maintenance needs of Benton County roads that provide access to Corps property roads. This document will be reviewed and approved at a future Commission meeting.

Presiding Commissioner Steve Daleske received a quote from Heritage Tractor to repair the damaged John Deere tractor Road District #1. The quick quote was $17,646.82. It is recommended that Mike Keith insurance be contacted to determine the deductible amount to have this unit repaired. Commissioner Daleske called Jennifer Taylor of Mike Keith Insurance and was advised that the deductible would be $500. The decision was made to submit the quote to begin processing the insurance claim.

The Commissioners discussed the issue with road signage problems in the County. There is a large backlog of signs to be installed and the current part-time employee is not able to address this backlog. One recommendation was to hire a full-time employee to handle the backlog and the future signage needs. It was also recommended that this task remain with the E-911 Center as they have the equipment to manufacture the signs. Commissioner Daleske will visit with Director Jessica Mayfield regarding this issue.