City Of Lincoln Receives Clean Audit For 2023


In new business Monday eve, KPM-CPA Auditor Mary Brune reported that the city had received a clean 2023 financial audit, while noting that its major revenue sources were up and, "doing very well." She issued a standard warning to city officials that they should be careful to maintain segregation of duties as much as possible, noting that most smaller cities cannot afford to hire the numbers of employees to assure complete financial security.

The meeting opened at 6:00 PM on May 13, with Aldermen Jack Lietzke, Phil Fisher, Seth Casey present. Alderman Barbara Hammond was absent. Alderman Fisher served as Mayor pro-tem in Mayor Glen Nelson's absence; Clerk Sabrina Brown recorded.

First action by the group was to issue a recognition of service award to recently retired Alderman Janice Swearngin, who reported she had served on that Board for 12 years, and "had fun doing it."

The board next voted to approve an amended agenda for the eve and minutes of its April meeting, then agreed to pay bills presented. No one not on the agenda spoke. A report on a "Safe Streets" program for the city was given by Benton County Economic Director Jo Ann Lane.

There was no old business discussed, so the group moved into reports from department heads. starting with Police Chief Jason Wenberg, who reported his department had received 9 reports and made 8 traffic stops in April. He added that his department was looking for a grant, following an accident of one of his unit's patrol cars. Public Works Director Josh Cole said his department has been doing lots of mowing and installing water meters. He added PW also had to repair a lift station with problems related to recent rains. Clerk Brown reported that 1st quarter revenues were up, adding that she will be on vacation during the city's June meeting.

Also in new business, the group approved a $3,746 county Economic Development contract; passed a $343.20 resolution of continued membership in the Kaysinger Basin Regional Planning Commision, appointing Mayor Nelson as representative to KBRPC; heard Alderman Casey present a storm grant inquiry; and repealed an ordinance concerning a sales tax measure benefitting the city's police department, and will rewrite an ordinance which better reflects the measure as more recently approved by voters.

The meeting closed at about 6:45 PM. These meetings are usually held on 2nd Monday eves; the public is welcomed.