Commission Votes To Vacate Property In Shady Shores


Attorney Hurley Mahan met with the Benton County Commissioners at their July 1 meeting to present a petition for vacation on behalf of Jeffrey and Cynthia West who were also present. The property sought to be vacated is described as Tract A, “V” shaped tract; and Tract B, “narrow road to Lot 1, Block1, first addition to Shady Shores'', being tracts of land located in part of the “dock area” in Block 2, Shady Shore, in Section 3, Township 40, Range 21. District 2 Commissioner Scott Harms made the motion to accept the petition for vacation as presented. District 1 Commissioner Larry Berry seconded the motion. The motion passed.

A resident of Promised Land Subdivision met with the Commissioners requesting road maintenance in that area. Presiding Commissioner Steve Daleske stated that the roads in question are private, located within the subdivision, and the county has no jurisdiction for road maintenance.

Benton County Assessor Jim Hansen and E-911 Director Jessica Mayfield met with the Commissioners to discuss mapping and addressing methods and coordinating information between departments. Staff members Marina Porter and Susie James were also present. A review will be conducted on a quarterly basis.

Assessor Hansen also requested that avenues for adoption of SB756, formerly SB 190 be pursued. The Commissioner indicated that they are currently in contact with legal counsel for advice prior to adoption of an ordinance.

E-911 Director Jessica Mayfield met with the Commissioners to review radio license agreements and equipment purchases.

A telephone conference call was conducted with McClure Engineering Company representative Aaron McVicker pertaining to the status of the Gray Avenue Bridge Project. McVicker indicated that work is progressing according to schedule.

The Commissioners discussed upcoming bridge projects, specifically replacement of Hastain Avenue Bridge, #2500015. The bridge will be added to the list of MODoT BRO funding requisitions in October.

County Clerk Susan Porterfield submitted monthly budget reports for each department. Bills were presented for approval and payment.