Full House Makes Productive Clinton City Board Meeting


In a packed Clinton City Council meeting, city officials and community members gathered for a productive session that featured key recognitions, important debates, and updates on ongoing projects in the city. All council members were in attendance, with Chairman of the Housing Authority John Leonard making a personal appearance to express concern about actions against the housing board.
Chairman Leonard asked for the matter to be tabled for further discussion, This sparked an important discussion among council members about the need for further deliberation on housing issues in the community.
Chamber of Commerce Director David Lee presented the Chamber of Commerce report, including plans for the Old Glory Days in July with an early pocket planner in June. The council also announced American Pickers’ upcoming visit to Missouri in June, stirring excitement among local history and antique enthusiasts.
Debates arose during discussions on economic development in the city. Though new retailers are interested in opening in Clinton, some council members voiced concerns over the allocation of resources.
Councilman Gene Henry proposed the idea of a potential nuclear power plant in the area, while others expressed hesitation.
The meeting also addressed the possibility of a housing study in town and discussed the Wall of Remembrance for the Global War on Terror. The Wall features a detailed history and timeline of the war on terror on one side and an honor wall with the names of the fallen on the other.
Newly elected Public Works Chair Roger House presented the public works report, which included replacing an 8-inch line with a 4-inch steel line and working with the county to restrict air rights for towers near the airport for aviation safety.
Councilman House motioned for a scope report for Shadow Hills, a project that had been previously proposed but deemed not a priority at the time. This was met with opposition from other council members who argued for resources to be allocated elsewhere. The motion resulted in a tie vote (4-4), with Mayor Carla Moberly casting the vote in favor of the report.
The meeting concluded with optimism and a commitment to continue balancing the needs of the community while addressing immediate concerns and future projects.