Many Major Grant Projects Near Ready In City Of Warsaw


The Warsaw City Council received several in-depth and lengthy updates regarding projects that sit on-deck that will enhance the infrastructure and amenities throughout their city limits.

The meeting convened on Monday, July 8, at 6:00 PM with aldermen James White, Eric Flores, Rob Coskey, Adam Howe and alderwoman Lou Breshears present. Alderwoman Reba Slavens was absent from the quorum. Mayor Eddie Simons called the meeting to order and City Clerk Jessica Kendall recorded the minutes of the evening.

Upon the approval of the consent agenda and a motion to pay bills, the meeting welcomed visitors. The lone speaking visitor on the agenda was Wayland Mueller of KPM CPA's & Advisors who pronounced that they had recently completed and recorded a clean audit for the city for 2023, noting that most numbers were increased from a year ago, some significantly.

Next, City Administrator Randy Pogue presented a detailed plan for apron expansion at the north end of the municipal airport that will use NPE Grant funds along with ARPA funds received with a very minimal amount to be used out of the city's transportation fund. The total cost of the project and the bid approved came from Emery Sapp & Sons for $1,104,713.00.

Pogue also discussed forming a committee of community members to assist with input for a master plan for the city's Lay Park and then notified the council of an awarded TAP Grant in the amount of $599,999.00 that will help to tie together a gap left in the recently received RAISE Grant from Illinois Street to Hackberry Street on the east end of town. Pogue noted that his grant proposal placed first in the review process. Incidentally, the City of Branson came in second.

City Engineer Charlie LePage then presented information on other projects including, 1) Polk & Commercial Streets in Northtown Center where that particular intersection will be widened, allowing for better traffic flow, new entrance/exit at Walmart Supercenter and new sidewalks and entrances on the east side of Commercial Street in that same area. Bids for that project are due by the end of August, with an expected timeline for completion of 6-9 months, 2) new, additional parking in Drake Harbor that will add 17 parking spaces with new curbs and landscaping, as well as a nice, new restroom facility to be constructed during that same project. Bids are expected to be received by end of the month with an estimated completion time of approximately 6 months, 3) Main Street where widening will occur and new sidewalks will be installed on the north side of the street on it's east end of town. That project is estimated to take up to 1 year to complete. Coinciding with that same project, the design phase for the south side of that same area is slated to begin anytime this month, 4) Lastly, LePage addressed the recently received RAISE Grant, highlighting the process once more for the council. He stated that preliminary engineering, RFQ's, RFP's and phase proposals are currently being received and the hope is to received notice to proceed later in the year. Next, surveys, preliminary designs, permitting and right-of-way and easement acquisition will occur, followed by public involvement and the formation of steering committees to be considered at a later date.

Two ordinances were passed, 1) an amendment to an existing ordinance pertaining to building regulations, building codes, permits and fees and penalties assessed therein, and 2) authorizing the mayor to execute a contract with the Collector of Revenue for Benton County for a city property tax collection agreement.

A brief discussion to amend an ordinance pertaining to signs was led by Alderman Flores but no action was taken.

With no resolutions on the agenda or further discussion, the meeting adjourned to executive session around 7:16 PM.

The City of Warsaw meets regularly on the first and third Monday with all meetings beginning at 6:00 PM. The public is always welcome and encouraged to attend.