Mayor Nelson Returns To Lead Lincoln Meeting


Mayor Glen Nelson was back on board to conduct the July Council meeting at 6 p.m. in Lincoln’s City Hall Monday, July 8. Health issues had kept Mayor Nelson from conducting the previous meeting and everyone welcomed him back.

Following the opening prayer and Pledge of Allegiance routine business was handled. Under the fifteen minutes for those not on the agenda segment Mrs. Cathy Nelson raised her hand and then said to the group, “I just want to say I was on the road a lot over the Memorial week-end, traveling through small and some large towns and as I looked around I was so proud of Lincoln and all its flags displayed. I didn’t see that in other places and it just made me so proud of Lincoln.”

Mrs. Nelson is correct in her observation and it’s something that is noticed by visitors to the area. More than once Lincoln has been referred to as the “little town with all the flags.”

JoAnn Lane, Benton County Economic Development Director reported the County has applied for the SSFA grant which if received will pay for a study of what is needed to be done to sidewalks and streets in Lincoln. Doing the study is a necessary step before applying for grant funding to make the much needed improvements.

There was no old business so the meeting moved to Police Chief Wenberg’s reports. Wenberg informed everyone the Patrol cars all have cameras up and working.

Public Works Director Josh Cole stated he and his crew didn’t have a lot to report other than the regular day to day duties as they had taken vacations in June.

Under normal maintenance the mowing and spraying of weeds is on-going. He had installed a new 220 outlet in the shelter house storage room. This was to provide power for a food vendor on the 4th and also band equipment and refrigeration systems when needed. They had also rebuilt the stage used during events and did several other preparation tasks for the 4th of July. Plus, dealt with mower repairs.

City Clerk, Sabrina Brown, thanked Phil Fisher for stepping up as Mayor Pro-tem during Mayor Nelson’s absence and also stated how happy she was to see Nelson back on the job.

Mayor Nelson reminded the Council members of their board appointments and duties to the City. Jack Lietzke oversees the grass strip airport for the city and needs more individuals to serve on the Airport Board. Janice Swearngin has volunteered but he still needs two more to have a full slate.

Mayor Nelson named off the various businesses that have applied for Liquor License renewals. He noted they do not have to be approved one by one and can all be approved with one vote. Councilman Lietzke questioned if everyone was current on their taxes and Sabrina Brown replied yes. Lietzke responded, “Then I vote to approve the renewal of the license." Vote was approved.

West side Councilman, Seth Casey informed Council, a resident, Luke Chambers had approached him about abandoning an easement on a strip of land he wants to purchase. Glen explained what has to be done to make it legal and advised Seth on how to handle the question.

Meeting adjourned.