Newest Health Plan Favors Employees Of Cole Camp


In new business Thursday eve, Cole Camp aldermen approved renewal of employee health insurance with its current insurer, at slightly increased rates, after debating its cost to the city versus its benefits to city employees. Ultimately, concerns for employees won out, with the group opting to favor its employees with present benefits.

The meeting opened at 7:00 PM with Aldermen Mindy Fox, Jeremiah Crider, Steve Knox, David Locke present. Mayor Diana Burdick presided; City Clerk Dawn Paul recorded.

First actions by the group were to approve the eve's agenda, minutes of regular and closed sessions for April 18 through May 8, agree to pay city bills from April 1 through May 16, then okay financials received.

In old business, aldermen approved a proposal to accept a TAP grant relating to the Rock Island Trail, but tabled a proposed TAP grant relating to a downtown project. The group will move a proposal to purchase cameras for City Hall to it's next meeting.

In new business, aldermen selected Hunter Martin as city attorney; he is employed by the same firm as the previous attorney. They also saw no reason to appoint new members to the city's Planning and Zoning board, despite the resignation of several members; and will soon deal with a TAP grant proposal relating to a 'Safe Streets' matter; and also with suggested sewer repairs at a site owned by the Holy Cross Church, at the board's next meeting.

Planning and Zoning Chair Tammy Eckhoff reported her committee continues working on its assigned tasks.

Police Chief Jeff Canfield said there was some recent stealing going on in the city, but most items have been recovered. Charges will be filed as soon as possible.
Newly appointed city attorney Martin thanked the board for his selection to represent the city.

Mayor Burdick reported that construction of the city's pickleball court was in progress and use of a hot mix there was beneficial. She added that she had attended a recent Lauber Law Training course, which was helpful; adding that the group might wish to consider rejoining the Whiteman AFB council at $50 per person each year.

Of note at this meeting was that a sound system has now been installed, providing better communication for aldermen, mayor and those addressing the group.

The meeting closed at about 8:05 PM. They are usually held on 3rd Thursday eves. Visitors are welcome.