Warsaw High School Names Top Spots And Scholarships


Speakers at the 2024 Warsaw High School graduation included the top two graduates of the class, Alyson Alcantara and Erin Goodpaster.

Valedictorian of the Class of ’24, Alyson Alcantara, the daughter of Ray and Shannon Alcantara, has been a student in the Warsaw R-9 District since kindergarten. Her sister Alyssa was the valedictorian of the WHS Class of 2022.

While a student at WHS, Alcantara was active in National Honor Society, Archery, Choir, Band, Jazz Band, FBLA and Math Club. One of her favorite memories of high school was marching down Beale Street in New Orleans as the Drum Major of the WHS Band.

“Another fun memory was when our bus broke down on the way to Branson and we ended up playing our instruments while we wanted for the truck to come to get us,” said Alcantara.

Next year Alcantara plans to attend Southwest Baptist University to study English with the hope of becoming a high school English teacher.

Alcantara said that she would miss her friends and teachers when she goes away to college.

“There are many wonderful teachers at WHS who want students to succeed,” said Alcantara. “I especially appreciated Mrs. Schockmann who pushed me out of my comfort zone to try new things and Mrs. Seigel who was a great support. I really appreciate all my teachers at WHS, they are great.”

Alcantara also gave her parents credit for making her a top student.

“My mother helped me with homework and would run to Walmart late at night to grab supplies that I would need for a project. My father helped me with math for hours in order to help me learn. I appreciate both of them so much.”

Her advice to underclassmen is, “Hard work trumps talent. Working harder than everyone else will help the most.”

Erin Goodpaster, daughter of Bill Goodpaster, Jr., was named as the Salutatorian of the Class of 2024.

While a student at WHS, Goodpaster served as the President of the Warsaw FFA Chapter as well as performing in the WHS Band and competing in Math Club.

Her favorite memory of high school was the trip to the National FFA Convention.

Goodpaster’s advice to underclassmen is, “Don’t let hard things get you down.”

She plans to join the Warsaw workforce this summer and is looking for full-time employment in the area.

Goodpaster said that Mrs. Smith, the FFA adviser, helped her to open up and reach her potential.
* * *
Under a beautiful evening sky, 83 Warsaw High School seniors walked onto Randy Morrow Field to receive their high school diplomas. According to WHS counselor Tyler Richardson, scholarships and awards presented to the Class of 2024 totaled $592,903.

Scholarships awarded included:

Alyson Alcantara received the Benton County Cattlemen’s Association, $1,000; Benton County Democratic Party Scholarship, $500; Haas Orion Scholarship, $1500; Harper Education Scholarship, $500; Henry Kugler Jr. Award, $500; Joel Helland Alumni Leadership Scholarship, $1,000; Marine Corp. League Warsaw Leathernecks Detachment #1254 Scholarship, $2,500; McMillian-Hockett Memorial Scholarship, $1,000; Mozarkite Society of Lincoln Scholarship, $500’; MSTA Scholarship, $250; Rural Missouri High School Senior Scholarship, $750; Southwest Baptist University Presidential Scholarship, $58,000; Southwest Baptist University Scholar’s Day, $500; Busy Bee Club Scholarship, $1,000; Kaysinger Bluff Pioneer Heritage Association Scholarship, $500; Fajen Foundation, $1,000; A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350: Dr. James and Paula Spring Memorial Scholarship, $500; Floyd and Edna Davis Scholarship, $1,000.

Charlotte Alspaugh received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Academic Department Scholarship, $4,000; Provost Award, $400; Trailblazer Scholarship, $8,000.

Laney Arnett received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Benton County Farm Bureau, $350.

Nathaniel Banfield received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Evangel Academic Merit Scholarship, $44,000; Evangel Alumni Legacy Scholarship, $4,000; Evangel Missouri A+ Scholarship, $4,000; Evangel Partnership Discount, $8,380; Evangel Zimmerman Scholarship, $4,000; Evangel Athletic Scholarship, $8,000.

Carson Bonner received Stepping Stone Gardening Club Scholarship, $560.

Mariah Campos received GP M.A.D.E., $8,000.

Chelsi Cardwell received A+ Scholarship, $18,000.

Hunter Collins received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350.

Grace Drake received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship $350.

Abbigail Flinn received Northwest Merit Scholarship, $4,000.

Sarah Gilbert received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350.

Erin Goodpaster received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350; Kevin LaPittus Memorial Scholarship, $500.

Parker Gregg received A+ Scholarship, $18,000.

Lovlie Haidusek received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Benton County Extension Scholarship, $1,000; University Scholars, $4,500; Live Like Bailey Award, $1500.

Rachel Henderson received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Benton County Health Department, $500; Floyd Edna Davis Scholarship, $1,000; WARM House Scholarship, $1,000; Warsaw Leathernecks Detachment #1254 Scholarship, $1,000.

Sarah Holmes received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350; Red and Black Scholarship, $20,000; Mule Grant, $18,940.

Zane Huffman received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350.

Ava Hughes received A+ Scholarship, $18,000.

David Hughes received A+ Scholarship, $18,000.

Anna Johnson received Lauerena Mathewson See Scholarship, $2,954, A+ Scholarship, $18,000.

Josephine Kelsey received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350; Provost Award, $4,000.

Ciara Kleihauer received A+ Scholarship, $18,000.

Angela Konopasek received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350.

Elliot Kowal received A+ Scholarship, $18,000.

Samantha Pearman received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350.

Alison Longhat-Hallock received Lauerena Mathewson See Scholarship, $2,954.

Joe McDowell received Gene Haas Scholarship Award, $2,000.

Anita Parsons received MSTA, $250 and Floyd and Edna Davis Scholarship, $1,000.

Austin Schibi received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Orange County Community Foundation Scholarship, $375.

Dallas Steinhoff received A+ Scholarship, $18,000; Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350; 2024 Warsaw Friends of FFA, $500; Children’s Barnyard 2024 Scholarship, $500.

Olivia Strange received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350; District Board of Trustees Scholarship, $4,200; GP MADE Foundation, $8,000; McMillian-Hockett Memorial Scholarship, $1,000; Live Like Bailey Award, $1,500.

Shelby Todd received MSTA Scholarship, $250.

Joseph Vorce received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350.

Autum Walton received Children’s Barnyard 2024 Scholarship, $500; Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350; Rooted in Rural Education Program Scholarship, $8,000.

Hannah Wooldridge received Warsaw Academic Excellence Scholarship, $350.